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Rose Gold Rolex Replica Watches For Sale | Best Fake Watches

Rolex Replica Watches

Eberle Devaux is also responsible for Rolex Replica Watches’s series of reissues. These began with the revival of Monaco in the 1990s and continued through a steady stream of milestone models. The brand has released two new watches this year: a limited edition Skipper and a new Autavia. Both were well received by the collector community. The brand has a new range of watches inspired by history: the Monaco, with Calibre 11 and the Carrera, with Calibre 18. We also have the Autavia, which was awarded the Revival Prize at the Grand rix d'Horlogerie. The four all feature theHeuer Logo.

"But the museums cannot be viewed as an endless source of inspiration. We want to reinvent pieces without relying on nostalgia for our product development strategy. For example, the 2017 version of the "JochenRindt" Autavia is a result of a vote online involvingthe entire Heuercommunity.

"The re-edition is Skipper represents a new kind of project. This is an ephemeral edition. The originals of this watch are extremely rare and expensive on the vintage market. It was great fun to work with them. The story behind the watch and its main events had to be mapped out. The idea was from Hodinkee and was Ben Clymer's and the team's work. It was never meant to be a model for TAGHeuer’s historical collection.

Eberle Devaux is fine with re-editions,Franck Muller Replica Watches and she is also happy to see a new interpretation of a classic product. But what is more exciting is the chance to combine heritage products like the Connected Watch in a Heuer Carrera casing. She says, "To me, this is organic and natural as the Carrera was always ahead of its times." She does not want to spill the beans about new models, but she does acknowledge that "2018 will be the year of the Carrera as it celebrates its 55th birthday".

Eberle Devaux must have a passion for vintage watches to be successful as Heritage's head. "I'm always moved by the old pieces. One has a double-face, another is a chronograph that includes a telemeter and the crown also contains a compass. The case decoration is flawless. What could be more fascinating, beautiful or useful than a movement that is still untouched? It's enough to know that the tick-tock is the same as it was in 1900, when the clock first left the factory.